Tag Archives: Ted Murphy

Ted Murphy’s Vision Restored My Sight

Ted Murphy's Vision Restored My Sight

My glasses from Zenni Optical arrived yesterday. Last night after work was my last time to wear my sunglasses on the drive home. I felt like an idiot wearing them each night at dusk and then having to go inside places wearing my sunglasses. I felt like I was looking “too cool for school” or something.

But because I ordered some glasses from Zenni Optical, a place I would not have heard about had it not been for Ted Murphy, I had quality prescription glasses waiting for me at home. I attribute this to Ted Murphy because he had the vision to found PayPerPost and subsequently IZEA and all of its holding. I had heard about Zenni Optical from many other bloggers and I even blogged about it on more than one occasion, but I hadn’t had reason to try it until now. Well, now I have a pair of glasses from Zenni Optical and I love them. The total cost of the pair of glasses was $39.95. You may also recall that I had my prior pair of glasses sent out for new lenses. Yesterday I called Pleasant Optical, our family eyeglasses store for years, to find out why my glasses were still not back. I was told that they would call the manufacturer and get right back to me. I called again that afternoon to find out that my particular lenses were on back order. So lenses that I ordered before my Zenni Optical Lenses are still not in. On top of that they are going to cost me $239.95 a full $200.00 more than my Zenni glasses. Guess what mistake I’m not ever going to make in the future.

Now Ted, the only thing I ask is that you get Zenni Optical on the Social Spark affiliate program.

Ted Murphy's Vision Restored My Sight

Photo Above Taken with my Xshot 2.0. Get yours today.

Win a Bathtub Full of Cereal…

and help a family in need. Ted Murphy of IZEA as well as Ted.me has come up with a really wacky idea for a contest/charity event. Ted will give away 52 boxes of the cereal of your choice, enough to fill a bathtub, if he can get 500 unique comments on his post about the contest. Ted went all out here with a video, promotional pictures of himself in the tub as well as setting off another word of mouth firestorm.

Win a bathtub full of cereal

I really like the crazy things that Ted comes up with, the guy has tons of great ideas and he just goes for it. I am very excited about this event because I love Cheerios and so does Eva. 52 boxes for me and for a soup kitchen is a great idea. But don’t worry you won’t be seeing me bathing in Cheerios anytime soon. Not like this.