Tag Archives: Templeverse

LEGO Dreamz Unicorn

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01828

My favorite book series is a series of books by author Shayne Silvers. Shayne Silvers has several great characters but the main story revolves around a wizard named Nate Temple. Shayne has written over 35 books since 2018 or so. I started reading (listening on Audible) over a year ago. I finished relistening to all of the books this morning and I’m starting to red the one book that is not yet on Audible: Boilermaker. The good thing is that this book continues after what had happened in the last book that I listened to, Snakebite.

In the books Nate has a surly Alicorn named Grimm and from all descriptions of Grimm I thought that this LEGO Alicorn from the Dreamz sets looked exactly like I would picture Grimm. Although he has feathers with red tips and I;’m not sure if I can recreate that to make it look closer to that look. I also think the character on Grimm’s back looked very much like Nate with his Horseman of Hope mask.