Tag Archives: #ThanksBaby

The Name I’m Most Thankful for is Dad – #ThanksBaby

I have partnered with Life of Dad and Pampers for this promotion.

Eva meeting Andrew for the First Time

Last June I wrote a piece for Pampers about my Journey to becoming a dad. This time around it is all about what I am thankful for most as a dad. That being said, I’m thankful for something that seems simple but can be very challenging. That is, I am thankful for the best name ever, Dad. Ever since I was a kid myself I knew I wanted to be a dad. I knew that I wanted to be married and have kids and be the best dad to them that I could be. I never knew that It would be as incredible as it has been.

ThanksBaby for My Kiddos

What better weekend could there be to reflect on why I am thankful for the name dad. There is nothing like having your kids get excited because Dad his home from work. There is nothing that melts my heart more than my son and daughter asking for one more hug from dad. Then there are those moments where I get a “Dad!” and an eye-roll, which also makes me laugh because I’ve done something that has gotten under their skin. There is also the “Daaaaad.” When I’ve said or something a bit too silly. There is even the sharp “Dad!” from my daughter when I may or may not have said something that has mortified or shocked her. I am so thankful for the name ‘Dad’. Even in those times when it gets overused for everything that my kids need me to do. The million questions, ideas and thoughts that have to be prefaced with “dad,” before anything else is said. Yes, I’m thankful even in those moments. Continue reading The Name I’m Most Thankful for is Dad – #ThanksBaby

A Father’s Day Influx

Fathers Day Influx
Photo-A-Day #4079

A quiet day around these parts. Lot’s of catching up on sleep but I also wrote a post for a Pampers Campaign. Yes, a Pampers campaign. The kids have been out of diapers for a while now but we are talking about how our babies made us dads. I recount our lives and more and how the kids turned me into a dad. You can read that in this post My Journey to Becoming a Dad #ThanksBaby.

I also received this interesting video card from Dove Men +Care about Dad’s being Heroes as part of their #RealStrength campaign. You can watch the video on the Dove Men +Care YouTube Channel.

I also received a copy of the upcoming book from Disney called The Art of Disney Dragons. This is a beautiful hardcover book with incredible artwork of all the dragons that have been in Disney movies and cartoons.

I also received a tasty package of baked goods from Dancing Deer Baking Co. You can see more in the video and images below. Continue reading A Father’s Day Influx