Tag Archives: the Princess and the Frog

She’s Up To Something

She's Up To Something
Photo-A-Day #1979

Quick post tonight. I leave for Modern Media Man tomorrow morning and will be there for the weekend. I hope that you come to the event, it should be a great time. I’ll be blogging there, speaking there and photographing just about everything.

I got home to a cute sight, Eva in her Tiana dress running around outside. I immediately took her to a spot where I could get a cute photograph of her and this smirk on her face is so telling. she is up to something, her wheels are always spinning. Continue reading She’s Up To Something

The Rain Stompah!

Photo-A-Day #1962

It was a quiet rainy day round these parts. We started with a nice family trip to church where we ran into some of my friends from college and their twin 8 week old babies. They were so cute. Then Allison took Eva down to the Knitting shop for a knitting party. I was able to get some work done including creating the second Photo-A-Day podcast. Continue reading The Rain Stompah!