Tag Archives: The Rock

Do You Smell It?

Photo-A-Day #3200

The Modibot makes another return to the blog. On weekends I get no time to get out and take photos so I take them of my toys on my work desk. For some reason this image of the purple Modibot made me think about when I used to watch WWE and The Rock was a big deal on the show. He had this tag line of “Can you Smell…. What The Rock is Cooking?” It was ridiculous but also funny. The Rock would cock his head tot he side, raise one eyebrow, lean back with the microphone and deliver his signature line. Then he would decimate his opponent. So that is what I thought of when I saw this image.

Napkin Rose in the Dark

Photo-A-Day #2137

About a month ago Allison, Eva and I went to breakfast at SweetWorks and then we went over to JD’s to catch up with my father. There a man gave Eva this rose made from a napkin. We’ve had it ever since. I took it and shot this in a darkened room with a flash. I had the camera on the Flower setting when I shot this too. Continue reading Napkin Rose in the Dark