Tag Archives: the Shredder

Andrew Trains with TMNT Leonardo’s Ninja Strike Katana

Photo-A-Day #3784

We received The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo’s Ninja Strike Katana to play with and review. Opinions of the toy are 100% our own. I am such a fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and have been watching the show since I was a kid. I am really enjoying the new Nickelodeon show and next season the Turtles will be venturing to Dimension X. Well, this toy is part of the whole Dimension X storyline. It is very cool!

I am making a video about this toy and it is so cool to see it in action. The Ninja Strike Katana fits right into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Shell that we have. The kids have been taking turns wearing it and playing with the Katana. Once the video has been made I’ll be posting it up on the YouTube Channel. Continue reading Andrew Trains with TMNT Leonardo’s Ninja Strike Katana