Tag Archives: #TheLastJedi

Force Friday II Is This Friday!

Force Friday II

STAR WARS: The Last Jedi is arriving in theaters this December but the excitement kicks off this Friday with Force Friday II. Force Friday is the day when new Star Wars toys are released. Two years ago before The Force Awakens I was part of campaign to promote the movie and Force Friday. It was an awesome campaign. However, this year, nothing for me except me except for a Press Release about the day and something new with Augmented Reality. This year you can use your mobile phones to reveal a new Star Wars Character and in various locations around the world you can use the Star Wars app to turn major landmarks into something Star Wars related. Also, many places are doing something special all around. You can see what is happening by going to http://www.starwars.com/news/force-friday-ii-guide-to-events-giveaways-and-more.

In Massachusetts you can go to the Burlington Mall and at the Disney Store there you can get all the new toys plus activities, giveaway and a special Find the Force augmented reality treasure hunt where you can unlock characters with the Star Wars app. More info below. Continue reading Force Friday II Is This Friday!

Force Friday II : An Epic AR Scavenger Hunt for The Last Jedi

Porg and Chewbacca

The last time there was a Force Friday, all the way back in 2015, I was posting photos every day from a countdown calendar of all the classic Star Wars toys from way back in 1977. This time around there is something entirely different for Force Friday II. This time there will be a huge launch with an Augmented Reality component to it.

There are a ton of toys that are going to be released for this movie and I am looking forward to seeing what is coming this time. I still have a BB-8 from Sphero and an interactive Chewbacca. Both were epic toys, I wonder how these new toys will top that. I have all the details you need to celebrate Force Friday II.


Continue reading Force Friday II : An Epic AR Scavenger Hunt for The Last Jedi