Tag Archives: Toy Drive

Give it Forward: Blip Toys: Amazimals and Squinkies Zinkies

Blip Toys

Blip toys has sent me so many great toys over the past few years and for my Christmas is for Kids Give it Forward project they came through with even more great stuff. We were sent multiple boxes of toys from their Amazimals and Squinkies Zinkies lines. Amazimals are a brand new line of interactive plush pets. Amazimals feature animatronic functions so that they can interact with your child. From wagging tails to barking and laying down and shaking hands to even using the potty. These pets can do so many things. Out of the three pets that we were sent I let Eva select one for our review and for her to keep and play with. She Peppy’s Puppy Tricks as her new Amazimals pet. she renamed her Pepper though, right out of the gate.

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Christmas is for Kids Toy Collection Project Kickoff

Photo-A-Day #2768

For the past three years we have participated in Christmas is for Kids. We save a little money every month so that we can go on a toy shopping trip in order to make a donation. We do this as a family to teach the kids an appreciation for what they have and an understanding that there are children who do not have the same good fortune that they do. In addition to our saving money for a shopping trip I’ve enlisted the help of some toy companies who have agreed to donate toys to the cause as well as provide me with toys to review. I’ve explained it all in the video below.

So, I’ll be posting up reviews and videos and I would ask for your help in promoting the videos and the reviews so that I can repay the kindness of these great companies who have agreed to help.