Tag Archives: Transformers Toys

Distributing the Drew Crate

TMNT Turtle Tactical Truck:
Photo-A-Day #4161

Cleaning out the office meant it was time to take the Turtle Tactical Truck away. The rest of my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are here, too. I’ll probably bring it back home once we have more room for the kids to play. I also have my old action figures which I will break out in a couple of years.

I cleaned out my office a few days ago. I put things that I no longer wanted into a box. That guy from work saw it in my previous video and dubbed it “Drew Crate” because I often do Loot Crate unboxings and have a ton of stuff on my desk that is Loot Crate related.

On the way in to work I went to Barnes & Noble and picked up some Harry Potter iced cookies that look like the Sorting Hat. We are watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone tomorrow night with the kids and I wanted to give them something special for it.

Transformers Tuesday: Generations Warpath

Transformers Tuesday: Warpath
Photo-A-Day #3936

With the daily vlogs happening on a very regular basis I’ve decided that I will make a portion of the Tuesday vlogs Transformers Tuesdays. I have a bunch of Transformers figures still in the boxes and it is time to start opening them up. Last week I opened my Seargent Kup figure and this week it is Warpath from the Generations line. The Generations line was one of those lines that I tried to collect because it re-imagined so many of the characters that I loved from when I was growing up. The Warpath figure was pretty cool in this line. I had the minicon figure when I was little and seeing Warpath get the Generations treatment is awesome. Warpath was a bit of a silly character. He kept on blurting out all sorts of interjections like “Blam!” and “Zowee!”. Other than that silliness he was a pretty heroic character for his size.

I wonder which one I’ll open next week. More on the vlog.