Tag Archives: Twitter


Photo-A-Day #1469

If I could get a job just giving away sweet fantastic swag I would be in total heaven. I love giving away prizes to people whether free or through raffles. Tomorrow night I get to give away a bunch of things. I have some IZEA Swag, 3 XShots, 5 Speeding Tickets and 2 Flip Ultras.

Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs II: Laughter for a Cause is tomorrow night and there is quite some buzz around it. With the Facebook page, Twitter contest and all the word of mouth advertising this is shaping up to be an incredible night. I stopped in to the Speed of Thought Playhouse and chatted with Christian. He’s really excited about the night ahead as well.

You can be a part of the event as well even if you cannot make it in person. You can be there live on Stickam. You can even participate by following me on Twitter @benspark. I’ll tweet out requests for suggestions and you can tweet back using the hashtag #bbbl2 and #icause.

Friday is BBBL2 Day!!!

Sun Chronicle AdBlogs, Brews and Belly Laughs II Update: Today I came home to see that BenSpark.com was again in the local paper. It was in the paper in the form of advertising for Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs II. I had talked to Christian about doing some advertising and he took care of all of it. The Sun Chronicle did a great job with the Ad. It not only has My blog Logo but also information about the Walking 4 2nd Base fundraiser and prizes. There is also my link to the Facebook Event. I wonder if there will be many bloggers in my area who want to come to the event.

The other great news today is that Dina Riccobono of Market Leverage has donated a 16GB iPod Touch to one lucky online winner. She wanted to help me out with the event after I helped her out with the Market Leverage Bowl-A-Thon. This will be a twitter contest. The intent is to drum up as much excitement as possible to get people to attend the online LIVE event via stickam. The official stickam site for the event will be www.stickam.com/sotplive.

So how can you get your hands on a 16GB iPod Touch?

Here are the official rules. Must do all 1-3 to qualify.

1. Follow, @benspark, @marketleverage, and @sotp2009 on twitter.

2. Tweet “RT: Watch #BBBL2 LIVE @sotp2009 on stickam/sotplive. Win an iPod Touch from @benspark and @MarketLeverage http://urlbrief.com/4978f8 #icause”

3. Leave a comment with a random person, place and thing (stuff I can shout out during the improv show for the Speed of Thought Players) plus a link to your tweet on the Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs II Post. (To see how you link to a single tweet check out this post. Linking to a Tweet.)

25 BONUS Entries!
4. – Donate at least $10.00 to my friend Sue’s team Walking 4 2nd Base for 25 extra chances to win. Just make the donation and in the “How would you like your name to appear” spot put your @twitter name or blog address so I can confirm the donation. Thank you.

What are you waiting for, spread the word. This contest is open until April 30th. – Comments are closed on this post. Please comment about the contest on the Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs II Post.