Tag Archives: Video

Wii Bowl-A-Thon

Wii Bowl-A-Thon
Photo-A-Day #1453

Tonight I did my Virtual Bowl-A-Thon on the Wii. I bowled two games in an effort to raise money for the Niemann-Pick Children’s Fund. Dina Riccobono of Market Leverage encouraged me to do this since I could not make it to the event that they held down in Florida. So, I was there in spirit. I did pretty well too. You can watch the recorded video from Stickcam, which shows the games as they are played.

I also created a video after and during the bowling.

It was fun, I wish that there were people in the chat room that I could talk to between each frame or each game but that is okay. What I really hope is that people will sponsor me at $0.10 a pin per game. I bowled a 181 in Game 1 and a 191 in Game 2. It must have been something about bowling for charity because that was the best I’d bowled in a long time and I even made (Pro) in Wii Bowling after Game 1. So if you’d like to donate $18.10 for Game one or $19.10 for Game two or even $37.20 for the whole night then please go directly to The Niemann-Pick Children’s Fund Donation page. (You could round things up 🙂 I won’t tell 🙂 )

The other part of this was that I sent down some hats and some calendars to give as door prizes to the people who participated. I even sponsored Tim Jones on Team Affiliate Summit. I hope that he did well. His team came in second overall so that is great to hear.

Here are a couple more of the photos I took using the intervalometer while I bowled.

Wii Bowl-A-Thon Photos
I can’t believe how trim I look in this shot, camera angles I guess.

Wii Bowl-A-Thon Photos
I thought the White Man Overbite was just for dancing.

Ultra Intervalometer Jogging Stroller Experiment

Ultra Intervalometer Jogging Stroller Experiment
Photo-A-Day #1440

A screen shot of my camera using the CHDK camera hacks. Here is another shot of the startup of the CHDK on my camera.


I rigged up my Canon SD 800is to my daughter’s jogging stroller using my Flip Action Mount. I used the CHDK script Ultra Intervalometer. The script allows me to set a specific interval for the camera to take photos and how many to take. I took a bunch of photos with my camera and also geotagged them all automatically with my GiSTEQ PhotoTrackr. The photos can be seen on Flickr.