Tag Archives: Videos

It is not too late to attend BlogWorld Expo 2010

Anthony Edwards, Xshot and Shoe4Africa

One week away from my session at BlogWorld & New Media Expo. This will be the 4th time that I will be attending that I will attend BlogWorld and I am so excited to be be presenting my knowledge to the attendees like so many people have done for me in the past. I’ve learned so much from each of the previous conferences and am eager to see what I can learn during this year’s event.

My main goal this year is to learn as much as I can about how to do a video podcast and finally get the Photo-A-Day Podcast on iTunes. I just don’t know enough on how to do this correctly and that is what has kept me back from getting this up and running in earnest. I’m also excited to meet up with the people that I’ve been working with through Collective Bias, Seagate and Kodak. That is going to be epic.

If you are going to attend I encourage you to attend my session for a few reasons. This will be a session where you can learn some great tools on how to create, host and post audio, video and photo content. My session is on Friday at 2:45pm and it is called Content You Care About: Tools for Bloggers.

Reason #1 – My session will teach you real tools that you can use. Free ones and ones you can pay for.

Reason #2 – If you attend my session you will have access to an ebook of the session that will include all the links that you need to access the tools that I mention in the session.

Reason #3 – Prizes. If you attend you will be entered to win a Kodak Camera. I have a few that I’ll be giving away, courtesy of BlogWorld & New Media Expo sponsor Kodak. I may have a few other surprises up my sleeve, too.

What is my session about, really?

I’m talking all about some of the most widely available tools for creating dynamic content. I am more impressed when a blog has content that was created by the blog owner rather than them pulling content from all over the Internet for their own use. I’ve been creating my own daily content for years which includes the Photo-A-Day project that I have been doing for five straight years. I’ll encourage ways to create better audio content, video content and photos. Tips will be for content creation, content hosting and promoting that content in order to increase traffic to your blog. IF you’d like to learn these techniques than this session is for you.

If you are on the fence than I have a deal for you. BenSpark.com fans save 20% on Thursday, Weekend or Full Access Passes at BlogWorld

Sign up to go today because if you are serious about blogging this is the one conference all year that you NEED to attend.

When you need a Linchpin

Photo-A-Day #1853

Things around work have certainly started picking up in a good way. A while back I mentioned that I would be taking on more duties as the person who did the video production. Well, the guy who had the job before me retired last week and this week I received a bunch of requests for videos aready. Next week I’ll be taking videos of some important customers. I’m also being asked to shoot more video items of our top executives. On my way to being what Seth Godin refers to as a Linchpin (Aff Link). I’m reading that book right now on my Kindle (Aff Link). Continue reading When you need a Linchpin