Tag Archives: Walt Disney World

Eva’s Center for the Arts

Evas Art Box
Photo-A-Day #2402

Yesterday evening when I awoke from my afternoon pre-work nap. I was greeted by some things on every step of the stairs. Eva had laid out a bunch of her things and she informed me that they would be going into her Art Box. This was the first that I heard about an Art Box, but Eva wanted to take one of my many boxes from SwagsGiving toys and decorate it. What she really wanted to do was make a box and put the Disney and Sea World Stickers that I had on the box. So for a few minutes before I headed to work yesterday I sat with Eva and we started decorating the box. We’ll probably use it to store the art that she brings home from pre-school because she has a whole Art cart for her art supplies. Continue reading Eva’s Center for the Arts

Post Vacation Malaise

Post Vacation Malaise
Photo-A-Day #2000

So, we are now back at home after spending nearly a week at Walt Disney World in Florida. Our vacation was a really nice one and it was great to be with the family all week and not do anything online save a few tweets and mobile posts to facebook. Other than that I took a break from Social Media and Blogging. I continued to take my photo every single day because that is what I do. And besides, I was on vacation and so taking photos was a natural fit. Continue reading Post Vacation Malaise