Tag Archives: Wash

Tickets, Please!

Tickets Please
Photo-A-Day #1797

Meet the newest Superstar of the Edaville USA website. Back in the Fall Allison, Eva and I went to Edaville for Storybook Friends Day. While we were there I took a ton of photos. A few of these photos caught the eyes of the folks at Edaville. They asked me if I would let them use some photos for the promotional materials including the website and The Edaville facebook fan page.

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Use Your Talents

Photo-A-Day #1697

Allison blocks a scarf that she has made for the annual Yarn It All Christmas Party. The ladies each make a handmade item to bring for the event and they do a Yankee Swap with those items. Allison is very talented. She paints and she knits. Allison has been knitting for two years now and she is quite good. For Christmas she’s making me a sweater based on the sweater that Wash wore in Firefly. I’m looking forward to that present.