Tag Archives: Weather

Snowbound in Detroit

Photo-A-Day #2105

Today was an extra day in Detroit. I was stranded for the day because of some major weather in New England. So I was booked on a flight for 9:45pm tonight. Thankfully, Lisa Gilpin and her team authorized me to stay anohter full night so that I would have a room to stay in and work in for the day. And I did a lot of work. this morning I banged out posts from the past four days and set up videos from all the press events that I attended in the past four days as well. It was great to be able to stay in the room and just work without the distractions of anything. I had no internet other than my phone so I wasn’t constantly distracted. I was still engaged but at intervals. It was good. I made the best out of my time.

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Chance of Light Rain

Chance of Light Rain
Photo-A-Day #1533

It looks like it will stay a bit rainy off and on around here. FYI: Photo of a snake below for the faint of heart.

Today I drove to work in rain, not in rain, back in rain again. All day it was drizzly out too. I worked at my company’s newest building and boy is it a beautiful one. The entire building gets some amazing natural light all the time. Even the artwork is better in this building.If it wasn’t such a message up place to get to I’d jump at moving there. For me, to get to the building I have to either go up and take a right or go right then take a left and go up. It is diagonally away from my house. There is no direct easy route to get there and getting back is worse. So, I’ll only go occasionally. The nice thing is that there is a bike trail outside the back of the building and one day I’ll go early enough to rollerblade before work.

On the way home I decided to pop into KMart because they had a buy $50 of menswear get two free tickets to Transformers 2 promotion. I walked all over the place and could not find anything I wanted to buy let alone spend $50 on. I finally decided that $50 worth of something I didn’t need wasn’t worth $20 worth of something I wanted.

Queit night here, just hanging out while Allison is at book club. I’m going to get some comic reading done.

Here is that snake photo and another flower I took a photo of. The snake likes to hang out in the bushes along the side of the house. Eva likes to go looking for them and watch then slither around the yard, there are about 5 or 6 ones we see regularly.


I see you