Tag Archives: Weather

Oh that look

Oh that look
Photo-A-Day #1392

Eva and I hung out tonight. It was still a bit warm after work so I took her for a walk up the street and back to get her out of the house. That is one of the tough things about being in the Northeast (don’t get me wrong I love it here) and that is the weather. For the past few weeks the weather has been cold and crappy. This is the kind of weather that makes you want to come home, crawl into bed and hibernate. But today there was some sun and it melted much of the slush on the driveway. This however meant that the runoff from the melting snow needed someplace to go and the drains were pretty covered. That meant that the DPW had to come by with plows to scrape the snow off the street and fling it onto the sidewalks. They did this late int he day so now the sidewalks are treacherous.

So, back to our walk. I bundled Eva up and put her in the jogging stroller and headed up the street. It was colder than I thought and the snow that had melted all day was now freezing up. The sidewalks were full of snow and once we got to the end of our street there was no where for us to walk, safely. So I turned the stroller around and went back home. Once we got there we played int he backyard and I took today’s photos. If this kids smile can’t melt the frosty snow, I don’t know what can.

Eva on the bench

Eva testing the snow

Eva standing

What do you link of my latest posts.

Not the photo-a-day stuff but the posts about Ed Gerety’s book Combinations? Do you like that I am blogging more on things that can help bloggers? Do you not like it? Have you gone and checked out the people I’ve been talking about? Are you one of the people I’ve been talking about? Let me know, I’d love to hear from you.