Tag Archives: Young Photographers

Capturing Interest

Photo-A-Day #3625

Photography Club continues going strong. We are in our third week and there are 5 students who are still pretty interested. Eva is also very much into this club. She was excited this week because Andrew was sleeping and stayed over at Mem’s house. That meant that Eva didn’t have to entertain him or help me look after him. This also meant that she could do the activity for the group.

This week I talked about portrait photography. We went over some portrait tips and then the students paired up to be the photographer and the subject to take photos. Eva was thrilled and she made use of the mini lights that I have in order to create some lighting options for she and her partner.

Eva is doing really well with the program but she still has to learn to slow down. She’s moving too fast and many of her images that would have been great ended up being out of focus. The lighting on the images was good though. She’s having fun with that.