A few days ago my internet buddy Lenny sends me an e-mail. His e-mail to me says “so they were cleaning up the bedrooms where I work and there son no longer wanted lego death star. I am talking about the big set. 2 and a half foot tall death star. I figured you might like it since you are a lego collector“. Naturally I ask him how much they were selling it for. Well, come to find out that they were just throwing it away. A $400 LEGO set being tossed in the trash! I said that of course I’d take it. It’s the Death Star!
So we worked out a night to meet so that he could give it to me. We met tonight in a McDonald’s parking lot. The set was in an old HP bag and was a bit disassembled but is approximately 90% intact. Even if it is not completely together I can still use it for parts and build some cool stuff with it. I have over 50 LEGO Star Wars sets that are in the basement (bought during a time when I had a lot of disposable income and no responsibilities). The sets are waiting for the day that Eva and I watch Star Wars for the first time.
So I’ll take the Death star home, try and find the instruction books online and figure out what pieces I might be missing and see if I can complete the set. It was a really nice thing that Lenny did for me, so I thank him for thinking of me and saving this set from the scrap heap.
It would be funny if you use some of you legos to make the Death Star trash compactor set.