It was a quiet rainy day round these parts. We started with a nice family trip to church where we ran into some of my friends from college and their twin 8 week old babies. They were so cute. Then Allison took Eva down to the Knitting shop for a knitting party. I was able to get some work done including creating the second Photo-A-Day podcast.
Once Eva had had enough of visiting the ladies at the knitting shop Allison called me to go get her. I grabbed her rain boots and picked her up. On the way back home I let Eva stomp in as many puddles as she wanted. I figure that when she has the chance and is dressed for it then what the hay, just let her go for it.
I figured I would give her a chance to take a nap so we settled down to watch The Princess and the Frog on the iPad. She did not nap. I fell asleep a few times myself. Eva, well, she is whirling dervish who never ever stops until bedtime and then she collapses in bed for the night. |
Certainly a lazy feel to the day, while it is great that the weather is cooler, with the rain kept me from opening the windows enough to cool of the house. But I was nice and cool as I hung out in the dining room recording the latest episode of Geek Dads Weekly. Tonight Daniel and I chatted with Chris Brogan. While at Audience Conference last week I asked Chris if he would like to chat with us on the show. I explained that we talk geek stuff like comic books and he was excited to be on the show. We were happy to have him. The show will be up later tonight and I will make sure to put a link to it as soon as I can. But for now just head over to Geek Dads Weekly to check out any of our past shows.
Here is the show – They call it FrostenBerken!
Well, I’ve never visited your blog before and don’t know anything about you…yet. But I will continue reading.
One thing I knew right ahead when I saw the picture of the cute girl in the rain. You do not live close to where I am from. The picture makes me getting jealous because I am praying every single day for some rain to come here in the Houston, TX area. Here it is just as hot and dry as it can be.
Anyway Ben, great shot and thanks for the reminder how water on the road does look like.
Best regards from Texas
Paula Jo
Thanks for the comment. I appreciate you coming to visit. I hope you get some rain soon.
I’m a bit envious. Our puddles are all mud. Yuk.
Yes we are lucky to have a little asphalt for some good puddling.
I had a jacket like that one when i was a child