The Rhode Island Comic Con 2022

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01403

Today Eva and I attended the Rhode Island Comic Con at the Convention center and Dunkin Donuts Center. This was the biggest convention that we’ve ever attended. We had a great time but I was happy to hear that Eva prefers the Granite State Comic Con. she likes the smaller venue and the cozier feel of that one. She did, however, have a fun time at the Rhode Island Comic Con. She ran into a bunch of other people who were cosplaying the character that she cosplays, Technoblade. I was there as her NPC Convention Goer. NPC is Non Playable character. A background character in a game, one who often helps the hero out. I don’t mind being that for her. I carried her stuff, took photos of her and the bunch of people who wanted to take photos with her and we had a lot of fun. As we walked around there were a lot of kids who told her that they liked her costume. Many asked to take a photo with her, too. She handled everything with modesty and grace.

At the comic con

We attended a panel on Cosplay creation techniques. We walked the exhibit halls and we “snuck into” one area that we later found was off limits. The civic center had all the big name people there like Ralph Macchio, Stephen Amell and William Zabka. We did not go down for photos or autographs however. We were content just to watch from the stadium seats and eat our lunch. Which, I guess was a no no.

We each picked up some artwork int eh artist Alley and talked with many vendors. I could not believe some booths selling Transformers toys for insane money. These were open toys. They may have been in original boxes but they were clearly opened and played with but an original Jetfire toy for $1,000 was ludicrous. This would be the same booth that would buy that same toy from me for $20. Craziness.

We left around 4pm and on the way home picked up dinner at Five Guys for the family. We ate outside because Andy is still under a masked Quarantine until Monday.