My RICC Buy – Transformers Poster

Transformers Poster
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01405

While at the Rhode Island Comic Con yesterday I met an artist who did Transformers artwork for the Transformers comic book. I looked through his pieces and told him that Wheeljack was my favorite character ad asked if he had any Transformers pieces. The only thing he had was the Shattered Glass version of Wheeljack called Slicer but it was not for sale. I enjoyed talking with him so I figured I’d buy something so I picked up the poster of Megatron with Reflector. I’ll have to pick up frame and add this to my wall soon. The comic book is the completed artwork of the Wheeljack alternate version that the artist did, too. I did not catch his name, though. His daughter also did some artwork and he was selling her stuff. Eva picked up a piece from her as well.