But it is never too early to vote for me to be in a Super Bowl Commercial. Hot on the heels of the FuelMyBlog/Gizfolio contest is the FuelMyBlog/MyBowlAd.com contest. This contest is for the chance to win a trip to California to see the taping of a Super Bowl Ad and possibily be in it. This contest has been narrowed down to 10 finalists and it it up to a vote to determine the winner. Voting can take place once a day from August 15 through August 23rd. So now my fate is in your hands alone. I can only vote once a day and I don’t think that my votes alone are going to cut it. So I need you to please go to FuelMyBlog, log in and please vote for me each day from today till the 23rd of August. (If you don’t have a FuelMyBlog account it is very easy to set up.
Go here to register – http://www.fuelmyblog.com/index.jsp?c=/user/ You need only a user name, password and e-mail address, that’s it.

Once you are registered you can vote for me.
If you want to read why I think I should get to go on this trip please check out my post Super Bowl Dreams.
To vote for me please go to http://www.fuelmyblog.com/index.jsp?t=mybowlad
Please log in and vote for BenSpark, I am the second one down: BenSpark, my photo is this one.
Thank you and please tell all your friends.
I would appreciate a blog post linking here if you could spare one too.
Help me Get Paid to Blog for a Year! Please Vote.
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