Photo-A-Day #1999
Our last day at Disney. We were up very early getting ready and packing the last minute stuff into our bags. We packed most of the things last night but left a few things out. One thing was my camp counselor hat with all my Disney Pins on it. I packed that into one of the pockets of Allison’s duffel bag (mistake), cinched it up tight and we brought all the bags to the hotel lobby. There we were able to check in for our flight (so we thought) and check our bags into our flight. Our flight was to be at 3:30pm (not gonna happen) and we’d be back at the hotel for the Magical Express to pick us up at 12:40pm.
The photo is a cool technique that I learned about from Jennifer Cisney from Kodak. I was tweeting about using the panorama stitching feature on the M580 and she directed me to what is known as a Triple Portrait. This is a very fun thing that you can do with the auto panorama feature. You take a photo of someone in one frame of the panorama then when you move to take the next shot they move as well. And on the last move they also move so you get a great panorama with the same person in the scene three times. Pretty cool. It wasn’t until I looked at this that I noticed Eva’s expressions in the image. She was excited and then a bit drained and then upset. I think of it as the three phases of a Disney vacation. The excitement of going and the first few days followed by being exhausted from everything that you have done on vacation to being upset and irritable that you want to be home and in your own bed but at the same time don’t want the vacation to end.
Today we went to Hollywood Studios for our very last Character Breakfast. This time it was at Hollywood and Vine and the characters were from PlayHouse Disney. There was some Little Einsteins and Handy Manny and also Jojo. Eva did not know who Jojo was and she was not thrilled seeing her. I think it is seeing a six foot clown that can be a little scary. We had a nice breakfast and then went back to the Animation area where Eva played with some of the interactive stuff and as a family we took a drawing lesson. We learned to Draw Mickey Mouse. I enjoyed that very much. Then it was time to head out and back to the hotel for the flight home. I’ll talk about that tomorrow though.
Love the 3 phases analogy. Makes perfect sense.
It totally came to me when I looked at Eva’s expressions. It just fit.
last month ago i visit disneyland hongkong , well in there it’s too difficult shotting something , there is too many crowd
and i think disneyland honnkong is not so big like a florida disneyland