I’ve never been the best at taking care of everything that my car needs. I get it serviced for regular maintenance and preventive maintenance. I’ve never changed my own oil but I used to have this car that required oil very often that I bought it by the case and would fill the oil in the car. I can check the oil, fill the radiator coolant, washer fluid and can change tires (it is called a Triple AAA card for that last one). Every winter we get some gasline antifreeze to put into the cars and so I’ve added things to my gasoline before but never on the scale of what the STP Multipurpose Motor Treatment brings to the table.
I was asked to participate in a social shopper insight study for Collective Bias to go and purchase some STP Multipurpose Motor Treatment at either a Walmart Pep Boys or Auto Zone. The closest was a Walmart and since we just had baby Andrew I wanted to get in and out quickly and easily but I of course had to stop in a few sections along the way. Eva wasn’t feeling well and we needed a new thermometer so I ran to first aid first and then got a few things there. I can’t ever go into any store without checking out the toys section. I stopped by the Hot Wheels section because I wanted to see if they had any more Wall Tracks sets. I’d like to build Eva a huge Wall Tracks set for her room, or my office.
I did finally make my way to the Automotive section. Usually I bypass the whole section and go straight for the wiper fluid, but today I was on the lookout for STP Multipurpose Motor Treatment. I found the product very quickly and on the shelf it was the one product for engine treatment that was nearly gone. I’ve found that if you want good food, go where the cars are and if you want a good product it will be the one with a lot of shelf space but fewer on the shelf because so many people are buying it. With a two for one (with manufacturers mail in rebate) offer I picked up two bottles. I looked at the bottle and read over what it can do for my engine and also learned that you don’t just dump it into your fuel tank, you need to put in the proper amount. A full bottle will treat a 21 gallon tank of gas. I have a 13.2 gallon tank so I had to do some math.
Because I had to use my math skills I pulled out my iPhone and did a quick calculation to get 9.75 ounces the can holds 16 ounces. I was going to need something to help me measure. I picked up this measuring funnel so that I could pour in the product and measure at the same time. I was really impressed by this measuring funnel until I got that home and used it. It leaked. However, it did serve its purpose and allowed me to measure out about 10 ounces. It went from 8 to 12 oz ans so I guesstimated 10 ounces on my car. So I filled my car with the 10 ounces and instead of having a small amount in one bottle I used the rest in Allison’s car.
I could have used some in the lawnmower. That is going to need to sit for the winter and the STP Multipurpose Motor Treatment is good for engine storage. I’ll have to do that with the other bottle or pick up some more. There is are a lot of things that the STP Multipurpose Motor Treatment is good for. Here is what the STP site says about Multipurpose Motor Treatment which can be used in cars, trucks, boats, lawnmowers, snow blowers, chainsaws and other motorized equipment:
For Engines in Storage
STP® Multipurpose Motor Treatment does not contain water absorbing alcohol like other fuel stabilizers and helps prevent many of the negative side effects that can happen when engines sit idle for long periods of time. It helps:
- Stabilize fuel
- Fight rust build up in fuel tank
- Prevent oxidative degradation in fuel
- Fight tough cold starts
- Prevent corrosion in the fuel line
- For Engines in Use
Great for the fuel system, crankcase and intake, STP® Multipurpose Motor Treatment helps:
- Clean engine deposits and fight friction
- Clean fuel injectors and intake valves
- Protect against viscosity build up
- Protect against crankcase sludge
- Prevent fuel line freeze by removing water
- Provide upper cylinder lubrication
- Use regularly to protect and maintain all of your gas and diesel engines.
Using the STP Multipurpose Motor Treatment was very easy to do. I will be replacing the engine line antifreeze that I normally put into my car each Winter with this product since it helps prevent fuel line freeze. One bottle should be just about plenty for me to use with the two cars. I’ll probably find an 8oz bottle to pour it into and then pour into the cars. That way I won’t leak all over the place like I did with the measuring funnel. Although I was trying to pour, measure and film all at once and that might be why I had a more difficult time than I normally would have.
Next time I do something like this I’m getting a tripod or my wife to hold the camera for me. In all the experience was a good one. We ran my wife’s car after the treatment and while I couldn’t notice a huge change I did notice a slightly better ride overall. The STP Multipurpose Motor Treatment will definitely be a part of our vehicle maintenance regimen from now on.
I photographed my experience and that in on this Google + Album. I also made a video of the experience which you can see below. If you are going out to purchase any STP products in the near future you should stop by the STP Facebook page because there is a $1.00 off coupon that you can print and use. I did that (every little bit of savings counts). You can also follow STP on Twitter at https://twitter.com/originalSTP
Disclosure: This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias The opinions about the shop, the product and my car are 100% my own.
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