A couple of weeks ago I received a Piggyback Rider from KidStuffPR. I was excited about this because I asked for this product to review and all opinions of it are 100% mine..
The Piggyback Rider is a shoulder mounted foot bar for a child to stand on. As the parent you wear the Piggyback Rider on your back like a backpack. This fits very well and is comfortable. It clips across my chest and I can adjust the height of the bar. The bar is what is very cool about this. The bar is what Eva stands on when I take her for a Piggyback Rider ride. The video above shows how Eva and I use the Piggyback Rider. Please view the video on Youtube and leave me comments and ratings.
The first time I ever used this and put Eva on the bar she shouted how much fun she was having. The first time too I just put her into the child harness and put her onto the bar but forgot to have her put on shoes. So after the initial excitement I asked her if she was enjoying the ride, she said, “No”. It was then that I realized that she was not wearing shoes and little feet on a metal bar with no shoes can be uncomfortable so check for shoes on your kids if you are going to use this.
So, I got Eva into some shoes and into her winter coat and we took a walk around the block. I really enjoyed this because Eva could see a bunch fo things from a different perspective and I didn’t have to worry about her pulling on my hand to get away and walk someone unsafe. She was strapped to my back and wasn’t going anywhere. We could talk about things and enjoy the walk. she could enjoy the ride.
I can see that there are many places that I could use this. First thing that comes to mind is Disney. Rather than having to take a stroller a park it all over the place we could save time and space and plus we’d always know where Eva was. another great place to use this would be at a parade. Rather than have Eva have people in front of her so she can’t see she could be up higher than everyone and see everything. Again having an idea of exactly where she was puts my mind at ease.
Did you use the x-short to film that?
Yes, I used my XShot to film this, it was fun.
Looks like it nice work
It is pretty fun. Eva liked it a lot.