The other day we received a big box of new Ultimate Spider-Man Web-Warriors Web Slingers toys. I enjoy the Disney XD Show Ultimate Spider-Man. This season the underlying title of the show has been Web-Warriors and Spider-Man is looking for and recruiting additional heroes to form a new team. So, I was excited about these toys. Andrew and I were home and looking for something to play so I opened them all up and we checked them out. Opinions are 100% our own. Between the four packages we ended up with three different figures (Spider-Man, Iron Spider and Agent Venom) and one that only works with a vehicle, which was a second Agent Venom Figure.
With all the sets opened we then had eight stretchy webs to use to shoot at the different enemy targets and also at all the targets in the Trickshot Showdown playset. The playset has a bunch of targets to shoot at as well as places for the figures to stand or swing or crash. There are a couple of images of enemies on the playset like a classic looking electro and venom. There is a Green Goblin that you can knock down and a set of doors to swing and crash through. Individual 6 inch characters each come with a little cardboard stand up of one of Spider-Man’s enemies.

Each of the figures are fairly basic. They have five points of articulation and also a spot on them to attach one of the stretchy webs. For example Spider-Man pictured above has a spot on his right arm with a hook where you attach the web. The arm is also on a spring so that once you release the web the arm springs back down. Arms and legs can move and so can Spider-Man’s head. There is no bending of the arms or the knees, though. I would have liked to have more articulation on the figure. I was most disappointed in the Agent Venom Figure that came with the ATV. The figure is permanently in the position of riding the ATV. You can take him off but he won’t stand up at all. I think it would have been better to throw in a bendable knee or two. With the figure as is you can pretty much only use him on the ATV.

Did my kids care about that? Did they care that the figures had very simple movement? Nope. They loved the gimmick of being able to fling webs all over the place. I personally didn’t understand that Agent Venom flings webs off of his legs instead of his hands. Andrew didn’t care about that he loved that he could make the figure kick and fling webs.
The kids played with these toys for a long time. They kept shooting the webs all over the place and setting and resetting up targets. Eva got pretty good at shooting the webs. She knocked over all sorts of targets. I used Iron Spider most of the time and his gimmick was the same as Spider-Man’s. You hook the web on his arm and aim and shoot. I got pretty good at taking out the spinning targets on the Trickshot Showdown.

Eva’s favorite character was Spider-Man. She was very determined to shoot all of the targets. She tried really hard, too.
While the toys are rated for ages 4 and up, Andrew was able to figure out how to use the toys and have a fun time. He had enjoyed playing with all of the figures but enjoyed Agent Venom the most. He really got a kick out of the kick action web slinging. These are fun figures and will be on the lookout for Spider-Man 2099 and more figures to add to the collection.