Unboxing A Ghostbusters: Afterlife Promo Box from Sony

Ghostbuster Uniform
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01131

I received this Ghostbusters: Afterlife themed promotional box for free from Sony. Opinions are my own.

Last Friday night I participated in an live twitter party for Ghostbusters: Afterlife and this box from Sony was supposed to go along with it. However, it arrived late because of all the storms. Inside the box there were a couple of Ghostbusters jumpsuits and items with which to customize those jumpsuits. I let me kids have them because I could not fit into them and because they are much better at customizing them than I am.

Eva customized one of the jumpsuits on her own and we still haven’t had a chance to watch the movie together. I know that she’s going to like the characters. You can see the unboxing of the promo ghost trap that Sony sent to me.

If you are so inclined to want to purchase Ghostbusters: Afterlife on Blu-ray from amazon.com please consider using my Amazon.com Affiliate link –