Vintage Childhood

Fire Truck
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00739

When I was a kid I had this vintage pedal car fire truck. I mean, it was brand new at the time and now it is vintage. It was made out of metal and had little ladders on either side. It has been sitting in my parent’s basement for years now. When they moved it became mine again. The kids are booth too big for it and it does not work properly anymore. It needs to be restored if anyone is to actually use it in the future. That is not something I have any interest in doing. I have no grand aspirations of my grandchildren riding around in it some day. I just don’t. I enjoyed it as a kid and it was fun. But it is time for it to move on.

I listed it on Facebook and found a buyer. A young man who does have aspirations of refurbishing it. Great. I am glad that someone will continue to enjoy this and put in the work to restore it.