Big News!

We're Expecting!


That’s right! Allison is pregnant and we are expecting sometime in October. It has been tough to keep this quiet because many people know especially some folks who frequent this blog. And I know they have been dying to say something.

About a year ago Allison and I went down to PA and picked up a toddler shirt from Susquehanna. Then we picked one up at homecoming weekend at Saint A’s last year. It is undecided where our little bundle will end up but we are planting the seeds of higher education early.

Go Hawks!

28 thoughts on “Big News!”

  1. Great news, you two. I LOVE both those little shirts. You guys make a great couple, I can tell. I’ll be checking in and now and then just to check out the blog. Like it lots.

  2. Bob, Thanks very much for the comment. Glad that you pop in from time to time. I got your feed on my RSS reader and keep up on your content too. You’ve got some great stuff.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! Saw something about *Big News* on Twitter, and had to come over right away to get the scoop!

    This is wonderful news…you two are gonna be great parents! 🙂

    Now wandering off to find something that I think will help give Baby BenSpark a proper start in life…LOL!

  4. Congratulations!!!

    I’m really happy for the two of you. I did that six times (have a baby) so I remember the excitement well. I’ll be checking back in!

  5. I hate to tell you this but there is no “we” in pregnant. Its all her. LOL Of course, this is coming from a person due in 57 days (not that I am counting but I have a cool widget that tells me everyday).


  6. Thanks Polliwog. Very psyched that you are commenting. Been watching your blog for some time and see that you’ve been by. Thanks for the comment. We are very exited and more will be posted as time goes by.

  7. Ha, Ha, thanks Lisa, yeah, I know there is no we in pregnant. I did clarify in the post. The title had been We’re Expecting instead of big News but then I figured that gave away too much up front. 🙂

    I’ve been following your blog and noticed the widget, yep very cool.

  8. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! FINALLY:)!!!! Just think…one more reason for yet another Benspark Blog!!! And then she/he can start thier own blog and the family tradition will live on and on and on and on in Blog world forever!!!

    I’m so excited!!! I wish you much happiness, and joy (the feeling…not the BE model!! haaa!)!!!


  9. Mo, you crack me up. Yes, one more reason to blog. Mo, you should sign up for MyBlogLog so you show up with an avatar on these here comments. I hope you are feeling better and that baby BenSpark news helped in your speedy recovery.

  10. As Lisa said, there’s no “we”. I tried that excuse when I started to put on weight too. It’s called sympathy weight but she wasn’t buying it.

  11. YIPPPEEEE!!! We can’t wait to meet the new addition to the family! Congratulations to the both of you!

  12. Jason, You are so very right. Gotta make sure I don’t pack on the pounds as the pregnancy goes on.

  13. Hey Marybeth, thanks for commenting. We are very excited to meet the little on too. And thanks for the Congrats.

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