Photo-A-Day #4379
Yesterday and today I boxed up all of the things on my desk. Every little toy and knick knack and do dad that I have. It has been a while since we switched seats, so I haven’t moved any of that stuff in a very, very long time. So, I picked up 4 boxes at Target and boxed up my stuff. It freaked people out. My cube is now filled only with my computers and pictures of the family and also implements for work like office supplies. I’m not sure if I will reintroduce all the toys or not. For now the boxes fit nicely under my desk.
I did take some of the toys home. I took my Thundercats toys home because Andrew and I have been watching the show and he might like to play with them. I also brought home my Marvel Tsum Tsums because Andrew likes those, too. Now he can enjoy them and add them to his collection.