I recently received a Go Anywhere Booster Seat from A Parent Company. This booster seat is perfect for on the go parents who take their child out to restaurants and other places where the child sits in a seat and not a high chair. Eva is too old for a booster seat but when she was younger we took a pretty good sized Fisher Price one with us everywhere we went. Between the one we own and the one I was given there is no comparison. The Go Anywhere Booster Seat is much better to bring with us and it is very inconspicuous too. It is lighter, nicer looking and quick and easy to set up. Continue reading Giveaway – Go Anywhere Booster Seat
Tag Archives: Booster Seat
Survival Tools for Dads

As a new dad I didn’t know what to expect. But after 18 months of practice I’m pretty sure I’ve got many things down pat. Here are 5 things I could not do without.
5. – Books – My favorite one for prepping for fatherhood was The Expectant Father. Allison gave me this book and it was perfect.
4. – The Baby Sherpa – This backpack diaper bag was a life saver when Eva was little, I could put on the backpack and carry everything we needed, it worked great on the planes too when we would travel back and forth to Florida with Eva. I loved this so much that I got one for my boss when she had twins.
3. – Fisher-Price Healthy Care Booster Seat – We took Eva everywhere and she was a bit small for the regular high chairs so we got this. Taking Eva to different restaurants was so easy when we used this booster seat.
2. – Digital SLR – Capturing ever moment of Eva’s 1st year was very important to me and having a DSLR was key to capture the action. We now have so many incredible memories captured digitally to keep forever.
1. – Sense of Humor – So many fun things have happened both before and after we had Eva. Without an ability to find the funny we would have gone crazy.
Today’s assignment for Day 2 of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge is to write a list post.