Tag Archives: Travel


Photo-A-Day #1497

We had a long day of travel. Eva was awesome all day. She slept during the last 20 minutes of the first flight and all through the layover. She was wide awake throughout both flights though. I have more to say but we are very tired and Eva won’t sleep till I am off the computer. So, goodnight for now. I’ll post more when I can.

2009 Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest

M80, a Social Media Marketing & Online Publicity company contacted me on behalf of Energizer to tell you about the 2009 Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest. If I had heard of it on my own I certainly would have been telling you all about it anyway. From what I’ve read so far this sounds like an amazing contest.

How would you like to have your photography judged by world class photographer Jim Richardson of National Geographic magazine? Sounds like a chance to get your work in front of some very discerning eyes. Not only that, but your photograph could win you a National Geographic Expeditions trip for two to the Galapagos Islands and your photo published in National Geographic magazine. Talk about exposure for your art.

The categories are Animals / Wildlife, Nature, People / Cultures, Travel, Weather, and Inspiration / Keep Going®. The contest runs from April 15 – June 30, 2009. Then Judging occurs from on or about July 1, 2009 to on or about July 31, 2009. After that voting takes place from on or about August 14, 2009 to on or about September 15, 2009. I am going to enter one of my photos into this contest but I can’t decide which ones are good enough for submission. So I need a little help and as incentive I’m offering some prizes from National Geographic and Energizer Lithium Batteries.

Giveaway Details

The Prize – A 1-year subscription to National Geographic Magazine and a sampling of some Energizer Lithium Batteries.

* MAIN RULE -Go to the 2009 Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest website and take a look at the photos then go to my Flickr Photostream and one of my photos that would be worthy of submission to the competition. Leave the URL of the photo in you initial comment. (remember if this rule is not followed then no others will count)
* 1 Extra Entry – Subscribe to my RSS feed or by email (or let me know if you already are) in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Stumble My Main Page and leave your Stumble name (I will be checking) in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Follow me on Twitter and let me know your Twitter name in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry for Tweeting about this giveaway.
RT Win 1-Yr subscription to National Geographic and some Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries from @Benspark . http://tinyurl.com/q4qssg
* 2 Extra Entries – Write a post on your blog linking to my blog and to the 2009 Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest website.
* 5 Extra Entries – Enter the 2009 Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest yourself. Leave a link to the photo that you choose to upload. Enter all 6 categories get 30 entries.

This giveaway will run through midnight on May 31,2009 with winner being announced the morning of June 1, 2009. Winner will be chosen using Random.org from all valid entries and notified via email. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.