The HP Scavenger Puzzle Is Done.

The HP Scavenger Hunt Puzzle has been completed. Not by me mind you, (well I did complete it after the fact.) I was getting puzzle blocked by T-Mobile and The O’Hare Airport when the winning occurred. We are still not sure who won but I will updated when I find out. The puzzle was a fun thing to participate in. I hope that another one comes along in a month or so, give us time to recuperate from this one. I met some very nice Posties while doing this. We had fun.

Fuel My Blog

I have signed up for a unique advertisement for blogs. There is a grid of 25 X 25 squares. you can sign up for a square for your blog. I took the two bottom right corner ones. I figured that everyone else was going to pick the top so I would pick a corner. That is my strategy. It is a fun little site because as you roll your mouse over a square in comes flying the description of the site. Check out Fuel My Blog.