I was interviewed on Bloginterview.net

Today on Bloginterview.net you can see my interview. I learned about Bloginterview.net through my friend Autumn’s blog called Autumn’s Space. in the interview Autumn said that The Benspark is a blog that she reads.

Bloginterview.net is run by Kumiko and she lives in Tokyo Japan. I left a couple of comments and sent Kumiko an email and said I’d be thrilled to be interviewed for her blog. She responded by sending me 5 questions for the interview. The concept of Kumiko’s blog is simple but the execution takes a lot of hard work. In addition to taking the e-mailed responses Kumiko also reads the blog that is being interviewed and links any relevant pictures and links from the interview. Kumiko’s blog is a fantastic one and is really well done. I have a shout out to my favorite bloggers like Mo, Stephen the Dog and Mr. Nashville, Eddie Christy. I also talk about the inspiration behind Photo-A-Day. So go ahead and read the interview and read some other interviews on the site too.

Interview with Michael Bay: Transformers

There is a new interview between Michael Bay and Josh Horowitz from MTV. There are 4 separate videos that are online of Bay talking about the movie. And he is very excited about the movie. I liked the interview. And I like what Bay is doing to promote the movie. The trailers will deliberately not show a lot about the robots. They are saving it for the movie and that is perfect. I simply cannot wait to see the Transformers movie and I know it is going to blow me away with the visuals.

I also learned more about the Transformers Video game that is coming out this summer. And it will be for the Wii. Sweet. Here are some game facts from a post on The Allspark.


* Protect Or Destroy The Earth – As the TRANSFORMERS robot’s war comes to Earth, gamers make the choice to join the AUTOBOTS in protecting our planet or to join the DECEPTICONS in destroying it. With dual campaigns, the fate of the world is in players’ hands.

* MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE – Instantly change from a larger than life robot to a high-powered vehicle such as a sports car, fighter jet or helicopter. Seamless transformations leave enemies in the dust or enhance players’ combat strategy with a range of options in both vehicle and robot modes that take full advantage of the characters’ dual forms.

* The World Is Your Playground – Players crush, topple and wreck every object, including buildings and vehicles, in their path or use the objects as weapons. It is up to the gamer to decide how best to use their surrounding environment.

* Freedom of Choice – An unprecedented line-up lets gamers experience the massive scale, unique abilities and sheer strength of an army of characters from the TRANSFORMERS universe when they choose to play as OPTIMUS PRIME, MEGATRON, IRONHIDE, STARSCREAM, BUMBLEBEE and more.

* Variety of Combat – For head-to-head battles, fans engage in melee combat that reflects each TRANSFORMERS robot’s character, scale, weight and power along with melee weapons and special moves unique to each character. The game’s ranged combat offers a wide array of projective weapons designed to take out enemies from afar.

* PlayStation® Portable Features – The PSP version features 20 playable AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS, from both the live-action film and previous generations, that battle through an enhanced version of the film’s storyline. Players can customize their character by choosing more than 10 different weapon types in both single and adhoc multiplayer gameplay