My Interview with Cart-Away


While walking around Blog World Expo I ran into a Cart-Away Supply MixKing. I thought to myself, “Why?” “Why is there a concrete mixer on the floor of Blog World Expo?” Well, I didn’t have to ponder too long because I walked over and talked to Bruce from Cart-Away Supply about what they were doing at Blog World Expo. Cart-Away has advertised with traditional media for years and wanted to experiment by coming to blog world expo and to see how far they could reach. Well, a concrete mixer on the floor of a blogging convention sure gets noticed.

I interviewed Bruce about why Cart-Away was at the show and here is that short interview.

When I got back to my hotel room to work on this post I read the literature on Cart-Away. Cart-Away Supply is The Concrete Rental and Landscape Store. They can help contractors and homeowners with many different equipment items and they also are looking to expand their reach as a franchise. There weren’t very many specifics on the franchise opportunity but if you are interested in franchising from Cart-Away you can call 1-888-MIX-KING (649-5464) or e-mailing

As someone who has mixed concrete by hand for medium sized jobs for my Dad I can tell you that being able to mix up 1.75 Yard of concrete in a MixKing would have saved our backs years ago. I can see this business as a benefit to the small contractor and homeowner who isn’t looking for a giant concrete load delivered but rather just the right amount for the job they need to do. The Cart-Away MixKing looked like the right equipment for just such jobs.

I’m in no way in a position to start a franchise but I’d like to hear more about it especially since the economy is doing so poorly and housing market is going down I think more people will try and fix their existing homes and as the market rebounds and construction picks up again you would be pretty well positioned as a franchisee with Cart-Away.

If you are interested in how Cart-Away does with their little blogging experiment check out The Cart-Away Blog. Cart away offered nothing to the blogger’s of Blog World Expo except for the chance to aid in their experiment. I’m interested to see how they do.

My Interview with Zannel

I did a quick little video with George from today. is the official mobile blogging platform for Blog World Expo 2008. Zannel is described by TechCrunch as “… a multimedia Twitter”. That is what Zannel is but it is also a blogging tool and social area. You can make friends, discuss and comment on their Zannel posts. I am very new to Zannel but will do a more in depth post about who they are and what they do later on. In the meantime here is my video interview with George from