Blog World Expo Day 1: Swagalicious!


Blog World Expo 2008 has been awesome. I learned a lot from Blog World Expo 2007 and also IZEAFest 2008 so I started networking as soon as possible. I met so many nice bloggers as well as exhibitors at this event that it is going to take me a ton of posts just to acknowledge everyone. I also received an absolute ton of swag that I have to go and buy a duffel bag to bring it all home

The morning started out okay except when I went to check in I was not listed. No worries because Picapp took care of me right away. I got my conference badge and was able to hit the exhibit hall running. But, prior to that I watched the Keynote speaker Richard Jalichandra of Technorati. His keynote was on the state of the blogosphere. Some very interesting stuff in that keynote.

Richard Jalichandra

After the keynote I tried to contact people from picapp to make sure I could get my conference badge. I set up alerts on twitter and sent e-mails. It all got resolved with some help from some great people.

When the floor opened I went right to the picapp both because they were the ones who paid for me to attend this conference. They sponsored the contest through FuelMyBlog and I won a complete package to Blog World Expo. I will be interviewing them soon.

I then went around to a bunch of exhibitors asked them about their products and got a ton of swag. I came back to the room with 12 adult shirts and one baby shirt for Eva that says Future Blogger. I got that from Market Leverage. I am looking to work with them on monetizing this blog more. I really want to be able to keep Allison home more with Eva and making some money with this blog is the way to do it.

I also ended up with NHL2K9 for Wii and many great contacts throughout the whole exhibit hall. I entered a ton of contests learned that I can move all my blogs to one place with a discount as well as set up co-comment on each blog and get a pretty sweet prize for doing so. Southwest gave me some drink vouchers. I was also able to scoop up $20 in the Cashinator from Market Leverage. So all in all it was a great day.

How To Shoot People

How to Shoot People
Photo-A-Day #1261

Today’s photo is of Ted Murphy. Ted is the CEO of IZEA and he is an all around great guy to know. In between sessions Ted and David from IZEA were sitting with Julie and Heather and I just blogging and twittering. The awesome Michael Brito was also with us.

The Think Tank

Ted was taking photos with his Canon Rebel. Ted also had a really sweet mini tripod that he used to get some amazing shots of different people in the blogger’s area. He would take a shot of someone post the photo to Flickr and if he could find out their name he would and associate a name to the face.

I’m not that good at photographing people and approaching them to ask permission. In Ted’s case he took photos and then would introduce himself to the person find out their name and twitter id and then send a twitter @ to that person to let them know that their picture was on Flickr. He takes some awesome photos of people. I was so impressed. I had never seen Ted’s quality photos. That is because I had not added his personal Flickr Account, his stuff rocks! I always see the iPhone ones and the goofy ones he does. His Flickr Photo collection is awesome. Take a look at Ted’s Collection.

So as I was watching the last session of the day I saw Ted and his Trek-Tech T’Pod tripod so I snapped this shot of him snapping shots of people. Ted also has a Fastpack 350 like mine and I need to get my hands on the Trek-Tech T’Pod tripod of his for myself. I think it is time to write to another manufacturer for a test product.

Ted also blogged about the XShot I gave him at IZEAFest and he was using it all over the place at Blog World Expo.