2008 Happy Birthday Allison

2008 Happy Birthday Allison
Photo-A-Day #1373

Today is Allison’s birthday. We celebrated by letting her sleep late. I took over watching Eva for a good long time to make sure that Allison had a proper sleep late morning.

After that the three of us visited with my parents for a bit so Eva could again astound and mystify my parents. She repeats everything you say these days.

Then we headed to Red Robin for a really nice lunch that made us all very full so we got home and it was nap time. I pretty much just woke up after being completely out for 2 1/2 hours so I have no idea what happened while I was asleep.

Tonight we are off to dinner at Joe’s American Bar and Grill and then to see Ellis Paul at Circle of Friends in Franklin, MA with our friends Michelle and Bob. It should be a great night. I’ll have to take pictures. 🙂

Look for 3 IZEA Insiders at ASW09

I have it on good authority that the IZEA insiders who are attending Affiliate Summit West want to meet you! Who are these intrepid souls, well they are Heather, Brett and Julie. They will most likely be in the company of Ted Murphy, Michael Brito, David Brim and Ashley Edwards. These are people you need to meet if you are Affiliate Summit West, if not only for their sheer energy and fun that radiates from them but also for some swag. I know they have some so go and ask. Also sign on up to be part of SocialSpark.