Day for Moms

Day for Moms
Photo-A-Day #1493

Today Allison had a nice little Mother’s Day. We started with church at 8:00am because the 10:15 was 1st Communion for 32 kids (super long Mass). We had a delicious breakfast at the Town Restaurant and then headed to BJ’s for some shopping.

Sunday morning at BJ’s is pretty decent, there is hardly anyone there that early. We picked up many of the essentials including a 16GB memory card for my camera. 888 photos in Raw and Fine JPEG with that card, NICE! Allison got a very pretty necklace that says Live, Love, Laugh. And we got some more space save bags. I hope that they help us get a little more control over all the baby clothes that we want to keep for any more kids.

The rest of the day was nice except that Eva took no nap at all so she was up all day. We took her for a nice walk in her new stroller. Along the way I saw a small brigade of dinosaurs in dump trucks. What?

Dinos in Dump Trucks

Then we headed home and spent some time in the backyard. It was a day, a nice average day. It was so great just to spend an nice time with the family.

Luv U Mike

Luv U Mike
Photo-A-Day #1492

Last night after I played around with my new lens I went and charged my camera batteries. I wanted to make sure I was all set to take photos on the Cape today. So, this morning I left the house and 20 minutes into my drive remembered that the batteries were being charged. So they were not in my camera bag. Ugh.

I went down to the Cape today to get our room ready for the summer. I also went down to set up the wireless in the house for my dad, so he could read my blog and plan Harley Rides. Dad has been busy at the house, he painted our room, put up some beautiful new molding around the room. I helped him wash the room, move the bed back in, put the headboard back up and also put some decorations on the walls. I’ll make sure I get some shots next time we go down for a weekend.

Eva loves our friend Mike (in today’s Photo-A-Day, she always shouts Mike multiple times throughout the day, she looks out the window and sees his car and yells “Mike”. It is very cute. She even says, “Luv U” to Mike now. The kid is a wonder.

In general we do not let Eva watch much TV. However, when we head down to Disney we are going to a Character breakfast and Mary Poppins will be there. Well, I suggested that Allison let Eva watch Mary Poppins, now she loves it. I can’t wait for Eva to see Mary Poppins and shout “Mary Poppins!’. She’s even starting to say “Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious”.

Thanks Karen
It is the off season so Eva can wear this Colts hat from my friend Karen.