Some Serious Eats Cookie Stuffed Cookies

cookie stuffed cookie
Photo-A-Day #2239

A double does of picnics today. Eva and I had one for lunch and then Allison, Eva and I had one for dinner. After swimming and gymnastics Allison went to work so it was Eva and I for the rest of the day. I had bought ingredients for cookies and intended to make them yesterday but it was too nice to stay in. Today was nice but we were home all day and I decided to make the cookies with Eva. Continue reading Some Serious Eats Cookie Stuffed Cookies

Lazy Days and Picnics are Hard Work

Photo-A-Day #2238

Today I took Eva to Capron Park for a picnic lunch, some kite flying, seeing the animals and playing at the playground. All that relaxing is hard work. I am blessed in that Eva is a pretty well behaved child and she is verbal enough and smart enough that I can talk to her and she understands what I am saying. That being said, she is three and is full on testing her boundaries every chance she gets. While yesterday was very frustrating for me because of her defiance, today was different. Today I kept Eva busy and entertained so much that we didn’t meet a test of wills too many times.

Continue reading Lazy Days and Picnics are Hard Work