Eva’s 1st Dress Rehearsal

Eva Dance
Photo-A-Day #2247

Today Eva had her first ever Dance Recital Dress Rehearsal. I was unable to go because I had to work but before Allison and Eva left I shot a bunch of photos of Eva in her finale T-Shirt. She danced around the front yard as I snapped and snapped photos. She was so excited to go to dress rehearsal. I think a lot of it had to do with seeing her cousin, having a lunchable as a treat and getting to wear makeup. I would have liked to have seen her doing her dances but that is what tomorrow night is for.

Because I’d Want Someone to Do the Same For Me

I have another guest post today. This time by Lauren Modeen. I have a young daughter, as you know, and I know that when she grows up she’s going to see all sorts of images and be influenced one way or another by those images. As a parent I strongly oppose any tobacco use but find that it gets harder and harder to keep those sorts of images out and away from her. It is even harder when the marketing is done towards children and young adults. I have only begun seeing this because of what I’ve learned from OPPOSE. I’m so personally disgusted with people smoking or doing dip that I’ve never taken a look at the advertising of tobacco products. It is really eye opening. So please read Lauren’s post below.

Because I’d Want Someone to Do the Same For Me
By: Lauren Modeen

OPPOSE Underhanded Tobacco TacticsA couple of days ago, I read an article by one of my favorite authors, Amy Bloom. Titled: 10 Things I Wish I‘d Known Sooner, I was hooked right away, and to my happy surprise, the article turned out to be, quite possibly, even more fulfilling than I thought it would be. I think my thick appreciation for these words of wisdom is quite telling of my belief that you simply cannot be born knowing everything and that all the helpful advice and clues you get along the way are nothing short of little blessings.

When I think back to my 14-year-old self, I am sometimes just really happy I made it out alive in one piece. As we all know, being a teenager is really hard. No, let me rephrase.  It is haaarrrddddd. Continue reading Because I’d Want Someone to Do the Same For Me