Tasty Dinner At House of Fortune

Photo-A-Day #2308

Allison and I had a long day of moving (3 trips in the truck) and decided to head to house of Fortune for some California Shrimp Rolls and Sesame Chicken. It was nice to enjoy some time together. Eva is with her Mem and Grandfather which has made it much easier to move everything. We miss her but it is harder to get things done without an attack of the “Whys”. She missed us though and we miss her very much. she called and left a message that made us tear up a bit. I know she is having fun but being away is something new for her.

Allison and I went to Target after dinner to pick up a few things for the house. We got some cool stuff for Eva’s room and are going to try and get it all set up before she comes home, this might help ease her transition to a new house.

What I’m Reading Now

Photo-A-Day #2307

Been reading Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series and loving it. I’m not sure exactly which number book I was on but I’ve been tearing through them. Just a bit of something to read and relax as we are moving. I try and read a chapter or two a night before I fall asleep and I read as much as I can on the weekends before I pass out dead asleep.

Another day of moving and we are another step closer to the new house. Two more days to go.