DVD Review: Transformers Rescue Bots: Roll to the Rescue

When I heard about Transformers Rescue Bots I was very excited because now there would be a program I could watch with my 4 year old daughter where she could be introduced to the Transformers. I saw the toys in the store and I picked up a bunch of them to give to her. I gave her Optimus Prime for her first day of school last year. She just recently took him to school for Show and Tell. I was excited because this is a way to share with her something that I have loved most of my life.

When I was asked to review a copy of this DVD Rescue Bots: Roll to the Rescue I said sure because I know how much Eva enjoys watching the show. And also because I enjoy watching the show with her. IT is a good introduction to the Rescue Bots with some fun shows to get you excited about more.

Transformers Rescue Bots is a kids show aimed at younger children. The Rescue Bots in the show are Autobots who were in statis and when they intercept a message from Optimus Prime their ship lands them on Earth. In order to get up to speed on Earth and its inhabitants Optimus Prime charged the four Rescue Bots with the mission of working with a Family of Heroes. The Burns family which consists of Chief Charlie Burns, Kade, Dani, Graham and the youngest Burns, Cody. The Rescue Bots are Heatwave, Chase, Boulder and Blades. Each Rescue Bot is paired with a human partner to work with and learn from.

While the Rescue Bots are in the public eye they must behave as if they are taking orders from their human counterparts. They have to live their lives on Earth as Robots in Disguise. Not every Rescue Bot likes this mission however. Continue reading DVD Review: Transformers Rescue Bots: Roll to the Rescue

Blu-Ray Review: Disney’s Cinderella: Diamond Edition

Cinderella Diamond Edition Bluray ComboA couple of years ago when Eva started playing dress up and pretending to be a princess we wanted to show her Cinderella. Come to find out we did not have Cinderella on VHS or DVD and couldn’t find it from friends or family anywhere. But we did somehow get Cinderella III on DVD from a movie club selection that we never got around to sending back. So Eva has seen Cinderella III but never the original movie.

Well, her wait is now over. Cinderella is being released from the Disney Vault as a Blu-ray™ Diamond Edition. Continue reading Blu-Ray Review: Disney’s Cinderella: Diamond Edition