Give it Forward: Zing Toys

Eva with the Air Storm Z-Tek Crossbow

With movies where stars are picking up bow and arrows it makes sense that there would be some toys that follow the trend and allow kids to recreate those heroic moments from movies like Brave and more in a fun and safe way. Zing Toys has a whole great line of Air Storm toys that use their Zarts (Foam Darts) that shoot from bows and crossbows. We were lucky to receive an Air Storm Z-Tek Crossbow with three Zarts. The first time I used it I completely misjudged how far they would fly and put one right on the porch roof. I had to sneak out when everyone was gone to retrieve it. This fun crossbow can shoot 45 feet and the Zarts can stick to all sorts of things. The toy is for kids 8 and up and there is even a safety on it. But with all toys that fire projectiles never aim them at people or animals. There is a target included in the package.

Continue reading Give it Forward: Zing Toys

Preserve Christmas Past for Christmas Future

Mixed Media

I posted to Facebook this statement “Preserving Christmas Past for Christmas Future with YesVideo and CVS but you gotta act by December 3 if you want these for Christmas Present(s) (See what I did there) Go to for more info” It was a timely Christmas Carol themed play on words but one that is pretty important if you are thinking about turning some of your old memories into high quality digital keepsakes. I was a YesVideo Ambassador this past March to June and I learned a lot about the company and what they do. I visited the company and I saw the YesVideo operation firsthand. they helped me preserve a photo of my Mom from her childhood and also my Parent’s wedding photos that my Great-Uncle had taken and were trapped on slides. I know that people have old videotapes, film reels, photographs and slides that they’d love to see preserved. I also know that something always gets in the way of getting that done. Thinking that you are going to sit down and do it yourself is the biggest and worst offender. I’ve got a scanner, a high quality camera and all the equipment for preserving my own movies and photos but have I done any other than those that I did back in college when I got my first scanner? No. Continue reading Preserve Christmas Past for Christmas Future