Today’s YesVideo theme for their December Photo-A-Day Challenge was “my favorite”. My favorite Transformer is and always has been Optimus Prime. Optimus was the second Transformer toy that I ever received and I think that was because I opened it second. The first was Wheeljack and he’ll also be a favorite of mine but a close second to Optimus.
I always think about Transformers around Christmas time because for years the gifts I would look forward to most would be these toys. MY grandparents would scour the East Coast from Massachusetts to Florida to buy them for me. I was ten years old when they came out and I was all about them, the toys, the comic book and the cartoon. I can’t even imagine how amazing it would have been to have the video games of today to play back then.
Games like The Fall of Cybertron and Transformers Prime would have been incredible to play, although would have lacked something on the 10 inch black and white I was using to play most of my video games.
When I was a kid I remember Ranger Rick Magazines because they were at our Dentist’s office. I used to love to read through those magazines and read the stories found inside. For some reason I just thought that only dentist offices had these magazines and you couldn’t get them at home. We had a couple of other magazines so why not Ranger Rick. But I was a kid so I would forget about Ranger Rick until I went back to the dentist once again. What I do remember was that I did enjoy reading the magazine and since all three kids would have their appointments at the same time I had plenty of time to read.
If you remember Ranger Rick from your childhood and that could span 50 years at this point then you will be happy to learn that your kids and grandkids can learn from Ranger Rick through a few new sources. These are Ranger Rick Jr. Magazine and Ranger Rick Junior Appventures. These two new resources focus on beginning readers and make use of all new technology like the iPad.
Eva and I looked through the app and the magazine to learn more about Lions. She was very excited to hear the stories and do the activities. I love that there is an app as well as a magazine. Kids learn through so many different mediums and the audio visual interactive nature of the iPad is a perfect accompaniment to a child’s natural curiosity. While Eva does enjoy being read to and also trying to read on her own she enjoys the immediate feedback of working on the iPad. The Appventure was great for this. Annual subscriptions at $19.95 and also have digital editions. The Appventure was $4.99 and can be found in iTunes.