New Toy Reviewer

Photo-A-Day #3282

Today Andrew helped me out with a couple of toy reviews. We played with the Switch & Go Dinos from VTech and Crashlings from Wicked Cool Toys. He had a great time chasing the dino race car all over the hallway. He put the toys through their paces. We played with that dino and launcher for about an hour. Then he enjoyed playing with the catapult to launch Crashlings all over the place. I am pretty sure he’s going to enjoy helping to be my toy tester for years to come.

That Smile, Our Little Imp

Photo-A-Day #3281

The weather was nice today so Eva and I played with the Playmobil toys that I got for review. Eva really enjoyed the toys and we had fun taking photos of them. I have a review of those toys coming very soon. Eva and Andrew enjoyed the toys very much. There were little animals and musical instruments. Eva made the fairy do a little concert for the other fairies and the animals. Andrew played with a few pieces but mostly stuck the pieces in his gas tank of his Cozy Coupe. Luckily we found them all before we went in for the night, little imp.