Blossoms of Spring

Photo-A-Day #3305

We have a tree in our back yard. Two actually but one of them has these beautiful white blossoms. I love watching them come to life. I’m not a fan of the day when it pours down hard rain and knocks them all apart.

I attempted to take this Macro shot on the way to work. I wasn’t able to really take my time with it and this was the best one of the bunch. I’d better practice since it is starting to be that time of year when the flowers start blooming and I start taking more macro shots.

Skylanders Giveaway: Trap Shadow and Spy Rise

Skylanders giveaway
Photo-A-Day #3304

This week we heard the announcement that the fourth Skylanders game would be called Skylanders Trap Team. Well, I don’t know about you but buying all those figures is expensive. Luckily I’ve had some provided to me from Activision and because I’ve also bought many, many, many of my own I have some extras to give away. I’m going to start with characters who really should work as a team, Spy Rise and Trap Shadow. Despite them being from two different elemental alignments they compliment each other well. Trap shadow is a stealthy magic character and Spy Rise, while he has climb ability, is also pretty sneaky.

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