A Stop at Pudding Rock

Photo-A-Day #3300

On the first day of Spring Break for Eva we went for a fun family walk around the La Salette Shrine trails. We decided to do the long loop, the Oak Forest Loop. For the most part the kids were good for this walk. Andrew was melty and tired so he was a bit cranky and didn’t want Allison to carry him and then he did and he wanted nothing to do with me at all. Eva put on her cruise director hat and decided that she was the tour guide who knew everything about the trail. I appreciate that she is so independently spirited and smart but sometimes I just want to walk in the woods. Continue reading A Stop at Pudding Rock

Review: Metra Diaper Bag

Wearing the Metra Diaper Bag

I was sent a J J Cole Collections Metra diaper bag to try out and review. Opinions of the bag are 100% my own.

Off the bat I am not one to take a lot of clutter with me. When I’m going on an outing with my son then I take just what we need and that’s it. Our other diaper bag is full of things that we may occasionally need but the Metra bag was for me so I loaded it just with the things that I felt I needed for a quick trip to the park or the zoo. So basically some diapers, wipes, sippy cup and snack trap plus my camera. I could fit way more stuff in the bag but I didn’t need it. Continue reading Review: Metra Diaper Bag