Can One Have Enough RC’s?

Photo-A-Day #3333

I have been very fortunate in my life as a toy reviewer to get to play with a ton of toys. At present date I have 13 remote control vehicles ranging from the World’s Smallest Helicopter to a machine that fires giant foam darts. Most of my Remote control Vehicles are at work with me. There are two reasons for this. I don’t have enough room at home and there isn’t a great space to fly the helicopters in my house. Helicopters need a lot of room to maneuver and there is a three story high atrium where I can fly without fear of crashing into anything. I can simply fly. Then there is a room that has not been fully completed so there is a large flat area for the remote control cars to race. So I bring them to work and where there is downtime I race or fly with a couple of folks.

Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer 2 Reprise

Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy
Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
L to R: Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Rocket Racoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) and Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista)
Ph: Film Frame
©Marvel 2014

No, it is not another version of the awesome Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer that was released on Monday but rather it is the YouTube embedded trailer that you can watch right here. I said I’d update my previous post on the trailer but instead I’m going to post again but this time with the trailer embedded and a sweet new shot of the team (above). I do encourage you to go read my thoughts on the second Guardians of the Galaxy trailer, though. Enjoy the awesome trailer below.

Continue reading Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer 2 Reprise