Free Comic Book Day 2014

Photo-A-Day #3312

The yearly tradition of taking the kids to Free Comic Book Day continues. It certainly gets tougher each year that I work on the weekend overnight shift but I do make sure to stay up and bring the kids to this very fun day. I love that Eva gets so excited by it. Andrew is going to need a year or two to really care. All he wanted to do this year was wriggle out of everyone’s hands and refuse to cooperate for any photos. Sadly, we were running through everything so quickly that we didn’t get a family photo at the event. I didn’t even get the kids in the same shot. But overall we had fun.

I got home from work and helped Eva decide what costume she was going to wear. She had her whole dress up bucket scattered on her floor as she decided on that exact costume. She had talked about being a warrior princess fairy but then changed her mind and became a Warrior Witch. She wore her Halloween costume and took along the shiny broom. She had said that she wanted her sword but decided against it. We took it anyway for photos. Continue reading Free Comic Book Day 2014