Our Harvard Hero

Tara and Eva Harvard Heroes
Photo-A-Day #3352

We went to Boston today to celebrate a great honor that my sister, Tara, received. She was awarded a Harvard Hero award. She invited us to the event along with Eva along with my sister, parents and grandparents.

For much of the ride in Eva played on the Nintendo 3DS. She’d tell us about what was happening in her game. So, she didn’t quite look around until we got right into the city. I know that we’ve taken her to New York city before but maybe she had forgotten. She was excited by all the buildings around Cambridge. We had to walk up tot he top of the parking garage so she could look around. It was a parking garage and you really didn’t see much but the tops of buildings, however she was excited with what she saw.

As it turned out we went to an incredibly beautiful building which was Memorial Hall. The event was in the Sanders Theatre. It was such a beautiful building. The ceremony was very nice with the president of Harvard reading a blurb about each of the 64 Harvard Heroes. That might sound like a lot of people however there are 12,000 people working at Harvard and so only one half of one percent of the staff at Harvard are selected for this honor. So, it was a pretty big deal and we are so proud. Continue reading Our Harvard Hero

Kindergarten Graduation Practice

Photo-A-Day #3351

In less than a week Eva will be graduating from Kindergarten. She came home today and she set up the chairs in the dining room to face us. Then she took her stuffed animals downstairs and set them up to be students. Of course she tries to do this and her brother is messing things up while she is trying to do things. She got a bit frustrated but eventually he calmed down. Eva did some of the songs that she is performing in her own graduation. She does love a production. She cracked us up.